A'dor Beauty Supplies Shop

Shop @ http://www.etsy.com/shop/AdorBeautySupplies Coupon Code: BLOGGER10 (Great new items added regularly!)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

For Charity!

We are very excited to announce the launch of a new section in our shop! In this section will be selling select items and the proceeds from these items will be donated to charity at the end of year each year.

How much will be donated?
40% of the proceeds from each sold listing will be donated!

Will these items cost more?
Yes, but not 40% more! We will be selling eye shadows (regularly the low price of $4) for $5 and donating 40% to charity!

What charities will we donate to?
We are planning to split the donations (assuming we earn a lot) between different animal related and women's causes. We are planning to donate the proceeds from the Garfield eye shadow to organizations like the SPCA and our local animal shelter. We also plan to donate the proceeds from the Baby Doll eye shadow to breast cancer charities. If there are any great charities or women's/animal shelters you know of that you would like us to consider please let us know by leaving a comment on this post or emailing us at Adorbeautysupplies at yahoo.com

At the end of the year (In Dec. of 2012) I will announce how much was earned and which charities it went to. We'll also be donating books to the local library and supplies to the local animal shelter.

I hope together we can earn a lot of money for some wonderful causes!

Thanks for reading,

Shop A'dor Beauty Supplies
Shop the charity section

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I would love to review you on my blog. I concentrate on cruelty free beauty products and I know my readers would be gaga for all this! Here is my blog: Let me know what you think and if we can work something out. I'm flexible and i love your polishes and eye shadows! http://www.beautiful-incentives.com/
